
We now accept donations through Kroger Community Rewards!

  1. Click on the link above or go to
  2. Log in with your existing Kroger account
  3. Click on the Enroll Now button
  4. Double check that your personal information is correct including your Kroger card number
  5. Click on the Enroll button under Community Rewards at the bottom of the page
  6. Search for "New River Youth Symphony"
  7. Click the circle next to our name and click the Enroll button

Why donate?

By partnering with New River Youth Symphony and Chorus, you open doors of opportunity for the youth of southern West Virginia and make great music available to your friends and neighbors.

The New River Youth Symphony and Chorus exists today because of the need in southern West Virginia for a place where talented young people can learn and grow under the direction of professional musicians who have a personal commitment to excellence. We are currently serving students from Fayette, Nicholas, Raleigh, Summers, and Wyoming counties. There are many more young, talented instrumentalists and vocalists throughout our region of West Virginia who need to be a part of this endeavor, and you can be a part of reaching those students and impacting their lives.

Benefits of donating to NRYSC

Your tax-deductible gift to NRYSC creates something far beyond its monetary value. It enables students to learn to make beautiful music, to work together under inspiring leadership, and to enjoy carrying their share of the load in order to participate in something bigger than themselves. Your contribution also provides scholarships, defrays operational costs, assists with the purchase of necessary instruments, sheet music, and equipment, and ensures that finance is never a reason to deny a student membership.

We invite you to join at any of the following levels

  • $25 to $100 - Friend
  • $100 to $250 - Donor
  • $250 to $500 - Patron
  • $500 to $1,000 - Sustaining Patron
  • $1,000 and more - Benefactor

The New River Youth Symphony and Chorus is a non-profit, tax-deductible organization. Each supporting member will receive a special invitation to our concerts, along with recognition in concert programs.

For more information, contact Kathy Bailey, 304-923-9622.

Contact Info

P.O. Box 177, Fayetteville, WV 25840  •  304-923-9622  •

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